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Royalty free image of Rock Beach (Sapan Hin), Phuket by eltonmaxim
ID: 20463122

Rock Beach (Sapan Hin), Phuket

Located on the eastern edge of Phuket Town beside the sea shore, Sapan Hin Park is a large scaled public park where local people come to relax and exercise while taking in the pleasant sea views. There is a large monument at this park that was created in 1969 as a memorial to Captain Edward Thomas Miles, who was one of the pioneers of tin mining during the mining boom years in the early 20th century. The white monument is a replica of a drill bit but is often mistaken for a seashell. Saphan Hin is often used for festivals ad events, including the culmination of the annual Vegetarian Festival, where the gods are given their send off at midnight on the last day of the festival. In the vicinity of the park are the city’s main public sports facilities including tennis and badminton courts, football pitches, as well as a large Olympic-size swimming pool.

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